Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Faces of America

Once again, PBS is showing one of my favorite "special programs." I have talked here before about the series Henry Louis Gates, Jr. hosts entitled "African American Lives" wherein he explores various famous African Americans' genealogy to trace their history. He also uses their DNA to see what areas they hail from (Western Europe, East Africa, Indochina, etc). Well, this year he is looking more broadly at Americans of many ethnicities in Faces of America. Featured "celebrities" include Mario Batali, Stephen Colbert, Yo-Yo Ma, and Kristi Yamaguchi. It starts tomorrow, Feb. 10 from 8-9 pm, and runs every Wednesday through March 3. I am super excited to see these people learn of their heritage and hear some surprising stories of their past. I have not given my PBS station here much of a chance, but perhaps this program will encourage me to look to them for something to watch rather than some of the more mindless entertainment I may seek out on my television.


Nancy said...

I missed the show when it was shown on Wednesday. Your post reminded me of what I missed. I went to the site and was able to see it from there. Wow! It was amazing and very well-done. One of the genealogy researchers who helped with the research for the show spoke at a genealogy conference I attended. Her session was wonderful! I love genealogy and this show demonstrates why I am so enthused about family history. Thank you so much for your post and reminding me of what I almost missed entirely! Funny: I recommended this show to my genealogy classes encouraging them to watch and here I miss it!!! Well, almost missed it!

Unknown said...

Yes, thank goodness they are posting video of the episodes online the day after they air. With small group starting back up Wednesdays, I am all the more thankful television online exists for wonderful programs such as this.