Thursday, February 7, 2008

African American Lives 2

Thank you, internet banner ads! I was on a website just now and noticed an ad for The Root. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a website dedicated to ancestry, namely that of African-Americans. And I realized, this was something I watched on PBS last year. It is a special where Henry Louis Gates, Jr. helps "famous" African Americans (Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg, T.D. Jakes, Quincy Jones and others) find their history both in America and Africa through looking at records and through DNA testing. When I watched it last year, I was utterly fascinated with both the stories these people had in their history, and with the technology that exists to tell people what areas of the world course through their blood.

And now, you can watch it...well the second "season" of it! It comes on next Wednesday (Feb. 13) at 9 pm ET (8 central) on PBS. It is just about the neatest two hours of television a person can watch on a Wednesday night. I have to miss the "live" broadcast due to church commitments, but I am taping it for sure. To hear the history of people, famous or not, and to watch them discover the hardships and successes their ancestors came through can only be described as bonding. Bonding lives together that before seemed separate and even alien. I wish I could think of a way to entice you even more to watch this show, but I can't so, I will beg. Please, sit down and watch this. Learn about famous people, learn about America's past, even your past.

**Just saw that it is probably a two-part series that began on Wed, Feb. 6. Check your PBS stations for rebroadcasts so you don't miss anything. I am taping Wednesday's broadcast from 2-4 am Friday morning so I don't miss it.

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