Monday, September 26, 2011

Dip, Dip Hooray!

My church had a cookout a couple weekends ago, and I decided to deviate from my normal cookout offerings of desserts and make something savory.  This, of course, to the chagrin of "Weischedad" (a church friend and avid sweets eater), who did not fail in telling me that my spiritual gift is desserts, not vegetables, and that I was in sin because I denied who I am.  Or something.  In truth, making a savory dish was the only chance I had at more than one person (Weischedad) eating what I made. 

I had come across a recipe for Cowboy Caviar a bit ago and kept it one of the filing cabinets of my brain to hopefully use at an appropriate time.  Thankfully, unlike many other things I file in my brain, I was able to recall this one.  One of the things that caught my attention with this was it reminded me of a salsa I have bought at the Farmer’s Market before from Yah’s Best. 

I did not expect the reaction this side would have, and I think it is one of my most highly praised creations.  And I did not even have to cook anything!  People raved about this stuff, asked for the recipe, told me they could just eat that as a meal.  Which I am pretty sure Aaron has done at some point this week.  I am not tooting my own horn, but loudly blasting the horn of this dish.  Seriously, aside from Weischedad the veggie hater, everyone seemed to like it. 

Cowboy Caviar

3 Bell Peppers, Diced
1 Red Onion, Diced
2 Tomatoes, Diced
1-2 Jalapenos, minced (or however much spice you like)
1 can black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can white shoepeg corn, drained and rinsed
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
About 24 ounces Zesty Italian Dressing

Chop all that needs chopping (bell peppers, onion, tomatoes, jalapeno, cilantro), drain and rinse what needs draining (corn and beans), and mix all the veggies in a big bowl.  Add enough Italian dressing to coat, but not drown, the veggies.  I learned this lesson after my veggies took a swim instead of a wade in dressing.  Chill if not serving immediately. Make sure to buy some tortilla chips as a vehicle for the dip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I made at least two meals with this as the main course...