Friday, January 8, 2010

Confessions of a Dessert Lover

Hi, my name is Allison, and I love desserts. Brownies, cookies, pies, cakes, candy, cobblers, crisps, even ice cream that gives me stomach aches - all are welcomed at my dessert table. I can generally keep my longing under control, but there are those evenings when the day has been long and I need some sweet, sweet comfort. The internet comes to my rescue with coffee mug cake or brownies, no bake cookies and Wendy's 99 cent Frosties. Something had to be done to satisfy my longing and yet not eat what feels like a cup of pure sugar at night.

Enter my salvation -Stonyfield Farms' organic Chocolate Underground fat free yogurt. Yes, you are reading that all correctly - organic...chocolate...fat free. You are probably now thinking that it must contain wheat chaff and taste like carob or something. Wrong! It is smooth, rich, creamy and tastes like melted frozen yogurt. The tang of the yogurt cuts through the rich chocolate marvelously. My ghetto Walmart does not sell this particular yogurt, so I have begun making treks to Harris Teeter to keep myself supplied. I even dared to let Aaron have a whirl with it and it has won him over handily. It is all the indulgent benefits of a dessert without being 1000 calories. A guiltless decadence, if you will.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

yumm...that sounds good!