Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Warm drinks for cold days

Yes, it is that time of year when cookies, candies, and chocolate come out of the woodwork tempting you with "just one." Thus far, I have managed to avoid baking or eating cookies, though I fear Friday night's party may destroy me with the latter. However, I think one of my favorite parts of the holiday is not the sweets as much as the beverages. So, to mark this season, some of my favorite hot beverages: (in no particular order, since I have decision issues)

1. Hot Cider. Not powdered or warmed up apple juice. The cider my mom would make over the Christmas holiday and let simmer on the stove all day. I cannot recall everything she put in it, but here is was a do remember: apple juice or cider with cinnamon sticks, cloves, and some other whole spice bobbing along in the brew, infusing their flavors in both the liquid and the air. Perfect when paired with the sugar cookies we would spend all day making.

2. Hot Chocolate. Sure, most of what I know come from a powder-filled can or packet, but it is darn good. I am sadly not a fan of marshmallows in my drink, though whipped cream is always welcome.

3. Orange Spice Tea. Yet another powdered mixture made from Tang, instant tea, cinnamon, sugar, and red hots. Citrus and spice and everything nice.

4. Something I have fallen for, thanks to my new boss (he is my fourth new boss this year, in addition to the old one I cannot get rid of) is Starbucks Peppermint Hot Chocolate. Oh my goodness is this good. Better than its kin, the Peppermint Mocha. As someone put it excellently this week, it is like drinking a York Peppermint Patty. I think, given the opportunity, I could drink a gallon of it in a day. It is minty, clean, warm and creamy.

5. Then, there is always, hot tea. You pick your favorite. I prefer green and black teas, depending on my mood, time of day, and what I may be eating with it. Tazo is a reliable brand. I drink mine straight up, no cream, sugar or honey.

I know, there may be some of your favorites that I am leaving off. Eggnog, for instance. Being that last year was the first time I tried it, and never attempted it warm, I shall hold off on crowning it worthy of my list until further research has been done. And wassail. I do not even know what that is. Maybe I have had it, I don't know. Doubt it, though.

So, whatever you drink this winter season, I hope it keeps you warm. Unless you live where I live and the thermometer is flirting with 80 degrees right now. Then you may need a Cherry Limeade.

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