Monday, August 27, 2007

UT Move-In

Last Saturday morning myself and a bunch of other people found ourselves heading over to the University of Texas campus to help our fellow man out. (Note, in this post I will most likely repeatedly refer to UT. Let it be known to my Aggie brethren, I am typing t.u. in my heart, I just don't want to confuse people.) HCBC-UT hosted their third annual move-in day at UT. This was the first time I was able (or willing) to travel to the campus to help incoming freshman and sophomores move into their dorm rooms. I came away thinking several things. Here are my several thoughts:

1) I wish we had people helping me move in my freshman year. And every subsequent move after that. Other than mom and dad, they are required to help their daughter move.

2) I got a cool shirt. It is yellow. I did not think I would like a yellow shirt, but I do.

3) People were floored that we were there to help them move in. Shocked, even. That rocked.

4) Moving is fun...if you are not the one moving.

5) I go to a great church who love the campus, love the students, and fully embrace all that is a college church. And I think getting a tattoo is a requirement to work there.

6) Girls like the color pink. A lot. If the girls I moved in could have painted their rooms pink and gotten all pink furniture, they would have.

7) What we did was so simple. Lifting a few boxes, holding doors open, staying upbeat and positive. How many simple things am I missing out on doing?

8) The two dorms I moved people into smelled. And not sweaty dorm smell. One smelled like bacon. The other smelled like my grandmother's biscuits. That is just wrong. UT, that is cruel and unusual punishment. It also completely takes the college students' excuse of "I need more money. The food here is terrible. I have to eat at Austin Pizza everyday." Mom and dad know the food is good, they smelled it.

9) This was the most enjoyable few hours of my life since I worked in East Austin. Helping others feels so selfish at times. You are the one who gets the warm fuzzies afterward. I think it could be addictive. But what an addiction to have.

10) If HCBC UT keeps its mission focused on the campus, incredible things are going to occur at UT, in Austin, and across the world. Thank you, HCBC UT, for daring to think big and challenge greatly.

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