Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Dinner of Tomato

My dinner last night. It was simple, unexpectedly good, and filling. This is not the first nor the last simple, good and filling dinner I have eaten. It simply exceeded all my taste expectations. What was it that I had that prompted me to write about it?

Soup. Yes, you are reading this correctly, I said soup. Soup in the middle of Texas? Yes, hot soup in the middle of July in Texas. It can be done. I did it. The soup, to be specific, was Campbell's Select Gold Label Italian Tomato with Basil and Garlic. I have never been a fan of tomato soup. It has been salty, grainy, and a little bitter. But this tomato soup was rich, light, and a perfect balance of herbs and tomato. Each little box has two servings of one cup each, so you are by no means getting scrimped on how much you eat.

I paired the soup (paired sounds so chef-like and intentional) with some Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil Triscuits, my new favorite crunchy cracker of choice. These crackers are really good. The pepper creates a slightly spicy pop in the mouth and yields itself to feeling like you are eating a higher end cracker. Yes, there are such things as high-end crackers. I also had some smoked cheddar that I sliced and placed atop the Triscuits.

The soup, the crackers, the cheese. Every item complimented one another in flavor, texture and ease in creation. I am now a fan of the tomato soup, and am willing to try some other Campbell's Select Gold Label soups. If the others are as flavorful and rich as the tomato, I may have to institute a soup night every week.

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